Nine months

Oct 09, 2006 13:21

In nine months from today, I will turn 30 years old.

And, I am starting my period today... I know this messes with the emotions and all, but I have never cried liked this just because it was the first day of my period. (Not that it's a lot, but it does keep creeping up...)

I think the Good Ol' Southern Girl part of me is realizing that I was being serious when I made the determination to not have a kid before I turned 30 (well, really it was to not have a kid before I finished my master's degree - which I have turned into 2).

I think the Romantic in me has realized that I have made it this far in life and haven't been able to find someone I could do that whole baby-making thing with even if I was ready to (or wanted to - I still haven't decided if I want to be a parent). Well, I suppose if they produce sperm, I could do it... it's more a matter of would... Silly that a woman should have standards, isn't it?!?!

I know that everyone is either approaching or past 30 - life doesn't begin or end here. I am usually VERY happy with where I am in my life and very cool with turning 30.

But, today, I'm sad... Not of where I am in life, but of where I will never be able to be.
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