Okay, this is my post of post. Not really, but I haven't been this philosophical and deep since last year. I think. I don't know. Anyways I had a terrible day on Saturday. And this is what I wrote during my half hour break. I'm going to tweak it and make all the editorial changes; it's the gist of it.
I think everyone that knows me knows I like to smile, I like others to smile, and to be generally cheery. Despite occasionally bragging about my kindness, it really is in my nature to be pleasant. It takes alot, or just hormones, to make me upset and angry. I thought, a good majority of the world might have been the same. Up until recently that was my routine thought. Now, I have a bone to pick with the world. Yes, I will skip those individuals that have led me to this conclusion and leap to accusing the world.
At first I was learned to believe it was only two or three out of ten people that have grown up around the wrong people, and have had inexplicably bad luck in the world, both of which would lead them to being sinister, unruly, rude, angry beings. Now I believe it is the opposite. I think there are only two or three kind people to the average ten.
I still want to apologize for such a simple yet broad stream of consciousness. I haven't wrote or thought like this in a while. It's kind of refreshing, however has been quite depressing as well.
To these people, I ask, what is the purpose of life? Is that not what everyone thinks about from time to time? Determining how and why every action has a purpose and what kind of effect it will make whether it be positive or detrimental. More than likely, I assumed(and I think I have assumed wrong), people would rather have a happy, positive 70-100 years of life experience and leave an impact on the world in X amount of lives. I would think people want to leave the ones they knew thinking "now he/she was an awesome person, this world will be less without him/her." At least that's my goal. I want people to miss me and whatever positive impact I have on peoples lives.
However from this week alone(and that is why this may not be of any reputable merit) I have perceived that the world would rather feel their own 5 minutes of negativity being an angry jerk and cause the rest of the world pain and suffering than to suck it up and be nice. The worlds actions to me, has been communicated to desire pain and be the cause of mayhem. What kind of difference is that? What is the point in that? Why?!?!?! What's wrong with being polite and sympathetic when people make mistakes? What ever happened to the Golden Rule? "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
Some how, some where, some one has turned that phrase into "Treat other the way you have been treated." If that was the case than the world would be right. I would then have to sue every penny out of the person who caused me pain and injury. I would then have to use every person in my way in order to get to where I wanted to go. If we are to treat others how we are being treated than maybe I wouldn't smile as much. I wouldn't smile at all. I would make sure the people serving my food knew that I was impatient, I would make sure they knew that all that time I stood waiting in line, and waiting for my food was a waste because it taste like terribleness.
Think of how terrible this world would be if that was our Golden Rule. It's been a struggle these past few days to keep my charm and pleasantness. The only real comfort and reinforcement I've got was Sunday morning. Just hardly because I actually thought of it the night before. My favorite bible verse. Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." But even faith is hard to come across in people. Every time people ask me why I don't work Sunday morning's any more, or I complain about having to wake up so early almost every day... "church? what a wasted of time..." or "You listen to that bull sh*t?" and today it was "Meh, it's all a figment of the imagination. God is just your imaginary friend that helps you sleep better at night."
So that is my trouble with the world. (if you've read this far.. I thank you and hope that I've kept your interest with ever so intriguing good points, lol). I wish, and pray, that I make a positive difference. I hope to every last tear the world can make me cry, that someday it will be turned around and there will be a smile behind everyone's eyes, that the world can trust each other to want what is good for our brothers and sisters.
And for those of you who won't take the time to read that. Remember the Golden Rule is not "treat others the way they treat you," it's "treat others how you want to be treated."
Comments, questions, both encouraged. ^___^
love love.