Title: Waltz for the Moon
queen_kat_tun Beta:
kaykm Genre: Fluff/Romance?
Rating: Safe
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fanfiction.
Prompt: FFVIII inspired. Akame’s characters should be based on the characters from the game Final Fantasy VIII created by Squaresoft.
A/N: If you do not have any background from the
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I actually wanted to write the one where Rinoa was in a state of coma (you know the scene, right?) but then I went,"No. Kari is a cheerful lady. Angst wouldn't suit her smiles and laughter." and then this scene came to mind. It was perfect because it has that certain amount of hesitance and gentleness on Squall's part and Rinoa was subtly teasing and persistent. Somehow, I found those attributes to blend well with Jin's and Kame's. All in all, I think that that scene would be to your liking. :) and I'm really happy to know that I did not fail you :D
I agree about having high expectations about this because I do think that FFVIII deserves only the best and is already perfect as is. It really made me happy to know that I have met your standards :) Like what I have told Cora, I had my doubts on this, but all is well, I think. :)
Thank you for the review and all the giddiness. :D &hearts
P.S. I told you that we should get married. I make you happy even if I bully you to my heart's content XDD
love, love &hearts
Really I'm happy you chose this scene in the end. I'm indeed not very good with angst. But then remember I read one of your angst and it was really well writen. Those the kind of angst I can take, when it's beautiful. So yes, I'm saying this because I wouldn't mind you writing about this scene either :P There are actually lot of interesting scenes in FFVIII like when they are alone on Ragnorak. I also love when Rinoa asked Zell to make a copy of Squall Leonhart ring...Well, I just love Rinoa and Squall. They're such a cute couple~
FFVIII deserves only the best indeed. For me it's the best game, with the best couple and the best music too. It's one of the few that I was satisfied with the end (though I'd never say no to more Rinoa/Squall love haha) How I woish they'd make a movie or TV adaptation or anything like this *sigh* But yes, you didn't fail me at all. It was perfect how you wrote it and you also made it very original as requested! &hearts
Hmmm...I'll think about your proposal then. What about seducing me with something like a FFVIII *cough*series*cough* Yup you might like to bully me but never forget that if you still want to marry me, you'd have a very demanding spouse~ XP
So now I saw very interesting things on my f-list so I'm running over there hehe *waves* ♥
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