Well right now I've really needed blogs to follow because I started a new blog, and also my personal blog's dashboard is starting to bore me.
For my personal blog, click
It is overall an asia blog, mainly lots of photography, anime/manga pictures, jrock, and art. Some kawaii posts and some black and white posts as well. I will follow back if the posts on your blog are relevant with the content I reblog.
For my new kawaii blog, click
The title says it all. It has plenty of pink, girly, and kawaii posts. I think food is the most kawaii thing in the world so there will be lots of food and stuff like that. I will follow back no matter what, but if the posts are irrelevant, I might unfollow. That is highly unlikely though because if you are following me, you probably have kawaii stuff.
Follow whichever one fits your blog the most. :)
If you want to ask me things, or talk to me, or whatever, I prefer to communicate through Twitter.
For my twitter, click
It's private, but if you follow me, I will accept your request. Don't be afraid to talk to me~
I'm off to write some more~ Bye!