Sep 01, 2011 21:55
I usually don't talk much about my private life on LJ. Mainly because I don't want to bother anybody or have anybody thinking all I ever do is complaining. Cause even though I think life is beautiful and the most precious gift we have it wasn't very kind to me the last few years and it sort of looked like it wasn't going to get any better. But today I got such great news that I just have to share it with the world.
In May my father was diagnosed with brain tumor and lung cancer. The doctors advised against surgery due to his age. So we started looking for an alternative to brain surgery which we found in a non invasive treatment called gamma knife. The first meeting with the doctor from the gamma knife center was a total disaster. That man was so arrogant. He actually told my father to think about it if the treatment would be really necessary since he was already 80 years old. But he didn't consider my fathers spirit and love of life. My father looked that man in the eyes and told him "I am not 80 years old, I am 80 years young."
But the doctor just kept on going about the expenses and if it was really worth it, needless to say that I was ready to kick the man where it really hurts.
I asked him if my father was supposed to sit in a corner and wait until the cancer killed him just because of his age. Or if it would make his statistics of successful treatments look bad cause the patient might not live the five years that count to the successful treatment record due to his age. We left without waiting for an answer. While I was looking for another gamma knife center in another city my brother had a nice long talk with the doctor.
I don't know what my brother told him but the next day my father got an apology and an appointment for the treatment (I just so love my brother). After that talk the man had changed totally - he kept on apologizing for the "misunderstanding" and treated my father like he was the most important person in the world. He went out of the way to make my father feel comfortable during the six hour treatment and tried to apologize to me too. But I'm not so easy in forgiving when my family is treated badly and I guess he noticed that quickly.
Anyway to make a long story short. Today my father went for the check up and the treatment was a total success! The brain tumor is a lot smaller than it had been which means the cancer cells are dying. YEAH!!!! I think I can forgive that man now :)
There is still the lung cancer my father is getting chemo for but right now I'm just to happy to think about that. And my father just took the news like he never expected anything else and tended his backyard like he does every day :) - I love that man's spirit.