(no subject)

Feb 15, 2010 03:00

Pearson promotes child slave labour. FACT.

Anyway, finally reached my week off work and BOY am I glad, especially when I spent half of my last shift doing probably the most disgusting job you can ever have on there (Clean the "drip trays" under the checkout.... basically where all the crap that spills onto the checkout goes... so much dust and other crap ewww.....)
I'm aiming to get some stuff done this week, like clean my room for one! I also have actual time to do RP stuffs and I'm getting caught up in 5D's screenshots now (As you can see above!) I have a post with all the screenshots I've done so far for 5D's just ready and waiting to go public, just getting these last two eps done.

Midlands Expo this Saturday! I'm really looking forward to that~ It'll be great to see everyone again and have some convention fun~
Oh Amecon registrations go up tomorrow, must remember that!

yu-gi-oh! 5d's, work, amecon, midlands expo

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