I've really had a pretty blah start to the week, this week. But hay, I got some awesome dragons in the post this morning, 5D's Dragon's figures to be exact.
The three "male" Dragons as it is, went together pretty easilly... I'm struggling to put together AFD and BRD for some reason.
Also a point I want to make. If you don't like how I play a character at the only RP I'm in that's like a home to me, and you want to give me suggestions or maybe even complaints, I'd prefer you do so personally. I know people like their anon status, but I'm not gonna bite anyone's head off and I will listen.
I can accept PM's at this account from anyone, if you PM me here though, make sure you have yours set up the same way so I can reply.
Alternatly rubycarbuncle [AT] hotmail [DOT] co [DOT] uk is my personal e-mail address, feel free to e-mail me there (Remember it's a .co.uk address not .com)
But if by any chance you just REALLY love being anon, feel free to just reply to this very post. Anon is on, IP screening should be currently off.
Though before you do contact me at least over one certian character. I'd like you to read what I've written here at this link first about them (It's at the bottom):
http://community.livejournal.com/roleplaysecrets/163578.html?thread=104676602#t104676602 That said, i'm gonna leave you all with a picture of a facepalming dragon:
I was trying to get her arm in and realized she had the perfect hand pose for that.