Urgh, I'm sick with a cold again...
I felt it coming on Sunday night, managed to survive through work yesterday (just) but as soon as I got home from work I just collapsed in my bed and didn't get up XD So I've pretty much been in and out of sleep since about 11pm last night.
Woke up this morning feeling even more achey than I did yesterday and I feel sorta out of it too :/ I'd really hoped I'd feel okay today because the charity shop really needs me in today, but there's no way I can go like this.
Stupid colds.
EDIT: Called the Charity Shop, an hour later than I really should of done because I fell asleep (Seriously, last thing I remember it was about 9:30am, then I'm waking up at almost 11am ;o;) And the lady I talked to didn't sound that happy when I told her (More dissapointed I guess) Ehhh, damnit, I really didn't want to cancel on them today ;o;
But in other better news, I just had some plushies arrive in the mail to make me feel better
Hell yeah! :D