Well back to work tomorrow and what have I succeeded in this past week?
...not much of what I originally planned, really. I made the trade post on
shinypoke, but cleaning my room didn't get very far, only choosing to clean part of it over the course of yesterday D| I REALLY have to tackle the rest tomorrow night and/or Monday, I just hate dusting since it irratates my throat so damn much these days.
Got the Dentist on Wednesday and the same day I'll be going into Sheffield with my mum. Looking forward to the Leeds Tokyopop Recon at the end of this month too, still gotta go through arrangements with Tony, but it's gonna be neat, I'm gonna try and enter some decent art into the contest this time, maybe I'll win awesome pens or something!
Blah, I really should be going to bed, but dad managed to make dinner late... AGAIN, so I was eating it at like half past ten D| So I'm too full and wide awake to sleeeep >| Bah.