So I went to the Tokyopop ReCon in Nottingham today! It was awesome~
Tony and I went early to look around the shops and then by about half 5 we joined the queue for the Recon and met some awesome people while waiting!!
Once we got in the announced the art comp. and they were all "Draw something now if you want", so I did a 5 minute doodle of a Pikachu with a butterfly on his nose XD That picture has gone to a new friend I met there, she gave me her doodle too :D
Both the art and cosplay contests were won by Puppy, she came in her Sandslash Gijinka outfit :D
We did a huge CaramellDansen line too XD Tony got that on video so once he's upped it to Youtube you can all see how badly I dance to that! - A few photos!
Tokyopop are apparently doing a Mega ReCon in Doncaster this Saturday! So Tony and I are hoping to go to that one. It's the first one they're doing of these Mega Recons which is pretty much a ReCon but with more room to do more stuff, it lasts longer too! 10am-4pm, so it's gonna be like a really mini convention! There's gonna hopefully be a mini masquerade and anime showings ect.
Anyway, I should go to bed, the gas man that didn't turn up on Monday is coming tomorrow .__. rawr.