Of Videos and Drawings

Feb 02, 2007 12:23

I wonder why I'm at my most productive in the early hours of the morning? Oh well, I got some work done on some new parodies for Youtube, I had been feeling rather un-inspired with those recently so started working on a bunch of random "catch up videos" which are mostly short AMVs and a movie trailer parody which I'm happy with how that's come out :D
All I've got to do now is work on the episode 120/121 parodies.

Talking of Youtube, I've been thinking of making the parodies public again and get a separate account for real life videos. Therefore I don't lose those if and when Youtube decides to suspend my account D| It's only a matter of time really, I'll just have to go through the videos and try and take out key words that big companies can use to find them. Like how I had to edit out the work "Pokemon" from any of my videos since one of my GX parodies got found for having "Pokemon" in the title, meh, I can understand them taking down full episodes of things, but stuff like AMVs and videos like I do I think are harmless, I see them as harmless as fanart really :/ As long as no profit is being made on them, they're just a bit of fun after all.

Anyway, yeah, I've got a lot of places I hope to go to this year and film. Generally aiming for; The Worksop Priory Church/Gatehouse, Skegness (*My mum mentioned about going later in the year, I haven't been in years so it'll be lovely to go again*), Amecon/Fuyucon and  the Derwent/Ladybower dams (*I shall drag my dad up there this year!!*)
Wow, it's really been feeling a lot like spring lately. I walked to work yesterday and the weather was awesome! Just how I like it, kinda warm but with a cool breeze...though, I had my work fleece on at the time so I probably felt a lot warmer than it actually was 8D Looks like it's the same today as well.
Hummm after this work week is done, only have my good week next week to do then I have a week off, if the weather is still nice (*OR we get snow, which is looking unlikely D:*) then I might take a walk around Worksop one day, maybe do the Priory Church video/Photos then? Hummm.

Ah and a new little sketchy pic for you all!
Chibi Johan and Ruby :D My GX LiveJournal community needs a new layout so I decided on season 3 chibis :D Not sure whether I'm just gonna stick to Johan only or do Amon, Jim and O'Brien too, might at least do Jim, cos he's awesome |D
And despite how they look, chibis are damn hard to draw XD

yu-gi-oh gx, fanart, worksop, nice weather, gx parodies, videos, youtube

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