Day at Nottingham - The Good, the Bad and the Pokémon

Nov 16, 2006 22:08

So today my mum and I went to Nottingham, it was a mix of good and bad I'll say XD Bad was the fact we couldn't find a place to eat that wasn't packed out when we first got there and our usual place to eat, which was a restaurant at the back of a Littlewoods shop is now gone and the shop isn't even Littlewoods anymore :/ Tried debehams but they were packed out, so we managed to find a table available at the Pizza hut next door, the wait for the food seemed like forever though XD But ah well, twas a nice pizza.

The trains seemed a bit all over the place today with last minute platform changes and the like. Then on the way home we got to the second stop and did not move from there, the line was having signal problems and in the end they had to get us a bus to take us home which took forever.
Oh and to the idiots who were sat on the back of the top deck of the bus, even if there are no signs saying you shouldn't smoke, it's common sense NOT TO DO IT ANYWAY, thanks for making me choke half the way home >/

Although there was good to be had around the trip. I found the Britannia Hotel and like I was told it wasn't far from the Forbidden Planet store at all :D Least I can easily find my way now. I also got some booster packs from the Dragon Frontier Pokémon cards AND...
...I FINALLY HAVE SOME POKÉMON TRADING FIGURES, they're so pretty looking *__* My poor dad was watching me in bewilderment as I opened them and squealed at each one I got XD;
Damn expensive though - £14.99 for the starter packs and £8.99 for the boosters, but damn, that ain't gonna stop me from getting them XD

But I loved them so much I took pretty pictures!!

The Starter and Booster packs before I opened them.

All the figures

Raichu gets into action!!

Salamance stands proud!

Weezing...looks depressed as usual!

Corsola looks ready to kick some ass!

And Eevee will just try and kill with cuteness.

Ekans gets defensive!

Murkrow takes flight!

Pikachu makes an electrifying entrance!

Feraligatr it's melting XD

Charizard is on FIRE!!

Little Meowth stalks along~

Treecko defends it's home!

Brendan takes command (*About time this guy got involved with something <3*)

As does Red~

And where they are currently standing proud (*On my Manga shelf XD;*)

Okay, now to watch GX episode 110 on Youtube :D

Pokémon Trading Cards, photos, nottingham, public transport, Pokémon, train problems, Pokémon Trading Figures

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