Oct 25, 2007 22:46
As I look back on my life I can't help but be grateful for the countless blessings God has given me. I can honestly say I do not deserve to have the fortune I do. Many who have known me from childhood have seen the ups and downs. I am so thankful that God has shown me an abundance of grace throughout every situation.
Sometimes it is easy to lose track of answered prayers. When times get tough we look to God to help us, but as soon as things get better, we simply forget. My challenge in life has been to pray through the good times and to be truly grateful for those bad times. With each thing that happens I am brought closer to God. The below are a few of the many instances that could not have happened if it weren't for the grace of God. There are way more then I could even remember, but here is a small snapshot of the blessings that have been poured out over me.
Let's start with before I was even born. My mother was 36 and for the day and age she was considered old to be pregnant. The doctors were concerned that because of that I would be a child with birth defects. They wanted my mother to do different tests that would be quite risky during pregnancy so they could tell her if I would have down syndrome or anything of the sort. Rather then risking the pregnancy my parents had faith that all would work out. Regardless of if I had defects or if I was a perfectly healthy baby they knew they would love me. In that love, they opted to ignore the recommendation and did not do the tests. Here I am today. I was not born with defects at all. If it weren't for their faith that things would work out, who knows what would have happened. Would those tests been too risky? Would I not have been here today to talk about this? We need not worry because I am here and I'm thankful to have two parents that would love me no matter what.
On my sixth birthday I was riding my brand new shiny bike and lost control coming around the U shaped driveway into the street. Just as I was coming a car was coming down the road too. As the two of us collided and I suddenly learned how to be a stuntwoman. As we collided I did a back flip off the bike hitting the car and then ground. After a night in the hospital, some bumps and bruises, and some crazy pictures of me on crutches with a neck brace I ended up fine. This story could have been a lot worse. When I was a kid I always didn't like the number six because of this accident, but I realize now that at the age of six I was blessed through that experience.
They say you can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. Family is a blood thing and while people are added through marriage and birth the lineage of the family originates all the way back with Adam and Eve. In a society that has over fifty percent divorce rates, the fact that I have two parents that have been together for forty years is a miracle. To be able to say that my father's brother, my Uncle Ricky and Aunt Kathy have been married between thirty and forty years now. Also, that I know had my Uncle Butch not passed away at an early age that he would still be with my Aunt Nancy who to this day adores him. Furthermore to be able to say that my mother's sister, my Aunt Lynne and Uncle Kenny have been married for over forty years as well. In today's society you would think this unthinkable. Let me add one more, that not only my parents, aunts and uncles, but my godparents too have been married for about forty years as well. Now my family may have a variety of different personalities, we all have our quirks, but you simply can not tell me that to have the strong family that I have is not a blessing. I have only named a handful of the many people in my family. Not only do we have a lot, but we are all connected. Many families today are distant or cold, but looking forward to Christmas is what I do from one December 26th to the next, because I know I will be with so many that I love and that love me. I am truly blessed.
There are people who have come in and out of my life that have been blessings to me. Teachers, wise counsel, coaches, youth group leaders, etc. For a period in Junior High I was a bad kid. Today people don't believe me when I tell them just how much of a punk kid I was. The fact that they don't believe me makes me realize just how much I have been changed. There was a fork in the road when I hit high school and I could have stayed on the bad path that I was on. If I did I could be really Lord knows where right now, but there were some people who worked with me and didn't give up on me. Because of those people I took a different road. I got involved with managing the wrestling team and being an athletic trainer, joining the choir and getting engaged with good people. Once I had a purpose of helping others I stopped hurting and started helping people. Once I took that different pathway my whole life changed. I know my parents are grateful for that, and so am I!
This may sound crazy, but I thank God for my bungee jumping and white water rafting experiences. When bungee jumping the first time I was scared as can be. I had two girls in my youth group that really wanted to do it, so we went up as a team of three. The entire way up we said prayers and sang praise songs. When that rope got released wow what an exhilarating feeling. The feeling of just letting go...I could probably write a whole book on it. I got a chance to do this again on my nineteenth birthday, but at three times the height of the first one. I must tell you, if you ever have the chance you simply must do it! There is so much fear involved, but if you are willing to take the plunge I swear it will teach you something. Another plunge I took was white water rafting. This was something I was equally as nervous and prayerful about, but it was so amazing. Fighting the currents and seeing the beautiful sights, participating in team work. Incredible. As I look back though I will never forget when I took the first step into the water and almost fell and a good friend grabbed my hand to hold me up not letting me fall. I could go into so many analogies on that, but I think it is clear to see that person was a blessing. Those experiences were blessings too. Sometimes the greatest blessing is just being able to let go. Whether it is baggage, anger, fear, or whatever troubles you, sometimes you have to take the plunge into the unknown to feel the exhilaration of defying gravity and logic.
In my life I have always had a lot of friends. That is not bragging, it is just an observation. I have never been the loner kid, despite all my attempts. Even in my jerky days of junior high I was still popular infamous maybe, but I still had a lot of friends. They say friends are like a tree. Some of them are leaves that whither away with the changing of the seasons. Some are like branches that seem like they will be there forever, but sometimes fall off or get cut off. Then there are roots. The roots are the friends you are to cherish most as they will be with you for life. I look at all the different layers of friendship I have been blessed to have throughout the years. Some good influences and some bad. Some acquaintances, many bests that turned to worst, and then the true bests emerging over time. I was once told some people the relationship builds over time and some are divine. For whatever reason you click right away and you just know they are a blessing of God. I thank God for each and every category as each footprint is a lesson learned in my life. I especially thank God for certain specific friends that I believe are my roots that will be here until either one of us part from this world. I truly thank God for each and every one.
For all who know me well, this will come as a bit of a surprise to you. I thank God for Providence, RI. Yes I said it. Upon acceptance to Johnson & Wales University Miami campus my mother and father quickly told me that if I wanted to go to school I had to be within a drivable distance. They said they would miss me and want to be able to visit. Counting the tally I got the drive up initially, a birthday visit from my mom and sister Terry, a visit from my dad and sister Terry, a drive up over winter break from my dad (and he still deserves thanks for that), and then there was graduation. Lots of visits I tell ya! I did not want to go to Providence simply because I hate winter. Knowing JWU was a great opportunity, I sucked it up going up further north to the RI campus for my own good. I truly tried to make the most of the situation. Now I won't lie as soon as I could get out I did. Exactly one week to the day of finishing in Providence I moved to Dallas which was as far as I could get at the time! I look back though and I see certain things that are just pure. Certain relationships and bonds and lessons learned. I see a mess of things I shouldn't have done, but did anyway. Life experiences I would not change for the world. I also see that I had an opportunity the rest of my family did not have. This opportunity was time to bond with the other portion of the Williams family. If it weren't for Providence I would not have many different things. My cousin and great friend Dawn is one of them and my Aunt Nancy is another. I knew of them growing up and a lot of my family knows of them, but I truly know them and got time to grow in love and admiration for them. Believe it or not after all the countless roommates and roommate drama I am glad for each and every one because I learned a lot through those unique experiences. In addition while in Providence I learned that God has a funny way of taking the worst in people and transforming them to the best. It was one of my friends that I got into trouble with that brought be back to a relationship with the Lord and introduced me to a healthy church in Providence. We are now great friends who hold each other accountable to doing life the right way instead of the way we each used to do. The lessons I have learned in Providence and the things I did and didn't like about Providence make me appreciate even more what I have today. When learning about God's providence it is said that it is God's order to things. The plans he had orchestrated even before you were born. How funny is it that I did not realize that the city itself could have been such a huge part in the orchestration of my life.
A time I will never forget was October 06’. My allergies started flaring up and asthma started to bother me and I just brushed it off as a simple little case of bronchitis. Honestly, I didn't want to go to the doctor because I was strapped for money and postponed it and did self treatment. I've had bronchitis a ridiculous amount of times in my life so I thought I could do it. I mean really thought I could. Let's just say things got worse and when I went to the doctor my lungs were so bad she thought I had pneumonia. The only reason why I was not in a hospital at that point was that I was stubborn. I did everything the doctor said so I wouldn't have to be alone in a hospital. I went from my asthma being as good as could be for a year and a few months in Texas to a life threatening situation. I'm just grateful to the Great physician who sent me doctors that knew what to do and worked to help fix me and help prevent future situations like that. I'm also thankful that I learned for myself when it is time to slow down. My parents always tried to teach me this, but I was a little hard headed about slowing down. I learned to listen to my body which can tell me when things are really wrong or when things are headed that way so I rest and relax to prevent terrible situations from occurring.
The big C. Cancer. It is a scary word. The disease can be a strong opponent, or can be eliminated quickly; it just depends on the person and the type. While I was in college I received a diagnosis that I had cancerous cells growing in my body. I had a small procedure done and they were said to be gone. After moving to Dallas I was diagnosed again with this, it had come back. Not only did it come back, but the cells were now formations, not just cells. The surgery now needed was a little bit more invasive, but in November 06 the surgery worked and to this day my test results have been good since. I will need to be tested periodically to make sure there is not another return, but I have faith that this time around the procedure worked and I will continue to remain in good health!
Along the lines of health this experience involves is a combination of health, patience, and appearance. In April -May 07 my wisdom tooth surgery went horribly wrong and I needed a second surgery I learned so much. I learned the face of God in friendships I didn't even realize were strong. I saw in coworkers who continuously checked in on me, and even in one who couldn't bare to look at me. For those of you who don't know for almost a month post-op I had a grapefruit on my face, well basically. I had a rare infection 1 in the past 10 years that effected me for about a month. The fact that I look normal today, can eat normal foods, can talk, and have no pain is a miracle. This was a true lesson on waiting on God. I can honestly say during that time period I got a little frustrated with God like why are you not healing me now I felt I couldn’t handle anymore. At that point the situation did not get better, but worse to the point that my prayers sounded more like begging, and it wasn't until I humbly cried out that my prayers started being answered. I learned to have patience in that situation. I also learned to not work so hard. I rushed to get back to work and went back to early trying to force it. What I realized is that work isn't everything. There needs to be a balance and when you are truly sick you must take the time to heal and don't push it or you just make things worse. I also learned the value of those who show mercy. There are a lot of people I am grateful were there for me. Unlike in the previous October, this time when I faced a threatening situation I had friends there supporting me, staying with me, and praying with me. Initially I even had my father here in Texas taking care of me as well. I can honestly say that the unique situation I faced this past May I will and can never forget. It is not so much the situation, but all those who were there for me, and how if it weren't for the grace of God I would not look how I look today.
Summer 2007 was an amazing time for my family. This was not really in a good way. We had about a 3 to 4 week spell of what in modern times we call Murphy’s law. There is many more that went wrong, but I will list the highlights. My younger cousin Danny totaled his car, cousin Kristen got in an accident with my other cousin Sammi’s Car, my Dad got in an accident, my puppy Iris passed away, my cousin Katie had such bad back problems she was hospitalized, my sister Terry found a lump in her breast, my car was broken into and damaged severely, my mother had emergency oral surgery, my Uncle Ricky was attacked by a dog and the healing process was difficult, my sister Debi contracted meningitis and for days we did not know if it was viral or bacterial so a portion of my family was quarantined, and then there was my Uncle Kenny. My Uncle Kenny had a massive fall in which he broke both shoulders, and one of his arms. Where the break was in his arm was pointing towards an artery. The doctors basically said that he would die if he didn’t have a surgery, but they were pretty sure what with his diabetes and heart conditions that he probably would end up dying in the surgery. To make matters worse, or so we thought, the insurance was not going through quickly so there was a waiting period and a hospital transfer. What my family didn’t know was through all those changes God was working it all out. While we were praying and possibly praying impatient prayers God got my Uncle into a hospital that the doctors found another way. In the midst of the surgery they went a different route then planned that would be less dangerous. My Uncle lived through the experience, and is in a better condition then any doctor would have thought could happen. Just a few days ago he came home from rehab to write his first email on the 25th of October. This email that he wrote was something we never thought he would have the capacity to do again. Now, clearly there was a miracle that occurred with my Uncle, but for me there was a huge learning experience. Through all of these trials I was grounded. Had all this happened a year previously this would have caused me to pack up and move home because back then I was weak. These trials proved to me that I am strong and faithful because I knew God was working on my family. As circumstances continued to get worse and worse my friends all were dumbfounded why I was still content and I can truly only say it was because I knew God’s grace would show through. It did so much more then I could have ever imagined.
There is oh so much more to be grateful for. This came last but really should be first. I thank God for Jesus. I thank God for graciously giving up his son Jesus Christ to humbly die on the cross. Jesus lived life perfectly and yet still paid the price for all because we all fall short of the glory of God. I thank God that I was on that wrong path I mentioned before, but headed for the right path. In September of 99 I thank God that he brought me in one youth group gathering to hear the gospel. On that night I was saved through faith in Jesus Christ. I thank God that once we are in his hands we might stumble and fall at times, but he is in control and that he is a God of second, third, and fourth chances. As you can see from all that I am grateful for above I have had extra chances.
In summary God has blessed me exceedingly, abundantly, beyond my expectations or prayers. He has had many blessings of health and healing from my time in the womb, through a car accident, cancer scare, asthma scare, a unique infection, and through my Uncles healing. He has blessed me with amazing family and being able to witness strong marriages. He has blessed me with friends throughout the ages. He has blessed me with the ability to let go through bungee jumping and white water rafting. Most importantly he has blessed me by saving me through his son Jesus Christ. These blessings and many more that are unlisted are part of what has made me the woman I am today who trusts in every situation through faith alone in Christ alone.