Turkey tension in the fog

Nov 22, 2007 08:44

What is turkey tension you ask? A phrase from my first mother-in-law that applies to a new bride and the cooking of her first Thanksgiving meal for her in-laws. I don't know what made me think of this, but it still makes me laugh. When I first married I could cook - thanks to my mother - but apparently she didn't know how and the first Thanksgiving meal was questionable. The phrase would always work itself into conversation on Turkey Day, as it now does in this journal.

Things I am thankful for:

I am thankful for my birthday boy!
I am thankful for my family and friends,
I am thankful for our furballs,
I am thankful I don't have to drive anywhere today - it is thick as pea soup outside this morning,
I am thankful that there is no snow outside,
I am thankful that the birthday boy liked his prezzies,
I am thankful that the world is finally starting to acknowledge the problem of global warming and ecology issues,
I am thankful for the change in traffic pattern at the bottom of our drive,
I am thankful for all of you who are now saying, "ENOUGH ALREADY!".

I am off to do things in the kitchen and get ready for company is coming in a couple of days.

Have a great day!

turkey tension, weather, thanksgiving

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