February 25th

Feb 25, 2015 13:30

Dearest’s newest book was published yesterday. This time it was written for young adults and is about how to develop their critical thinking.

Did you know that Daily Kos has a DK Quilt Guild?

Well done on vetoing the Keystone Pipeline, Mr. President!

It is still cold. The sun is out and it has only reached 25F. ARGH.

Have a good one!

Recommended Reading

Idaho lawmaker asks doctor if women can swallow a camera for gynecological exams - Well Vito Barbieri may be the leader for the MORON of the Year Award…but it is only February. I can only assume that if someone goes down on him without him wearing a condom he thinks she will get pregnant too.

U.S. Geological Survey: Fracking waste is the primary cause of the dramatic rise in earthquakes

'Pro Life' GOPer Says It's Fine For Kids to Die in the Name of God - WTF?

The Disappeared: Police Detain Americans at Abuse-Laden 'Black Site’

Cop Slaps Homeless Man in the Face For Entering Public Bus Terminal

Jon Stewart to Rudy Giuliani: Shuuuuuut Up!

Why Do Luna Moths Have Such Absurdly Long Tails?

Footage of the moment US house is destroyed in gas blast - whoa

Making a thermal heat map of the US - this will lead to an invasion of privacy through sales calls and who gave them permission to do this?

'Unique' Roman tombstone found in Cirencester

Sweden: Wedding ring 'found on carrot' after 16 years - on a carrot, ar, ar, ar

How Japan zoo prepares for earthquake animal escape - they’re at it again. :)

John Oliver brutally mocks political ads for women, and it's hilarious.

Is The Junk-Food Era Drawing To A Close?

Who made the Dirty Dozen this year?

FBI Questions Keystone XL Activists

Why the Right-Wing Is as Obsessed with Brainwashing Your Kid as Looting Social Security

21 Rand Paul Quotes That Expose What a Con Job Libertarianism Is - the first one says it all. He is pandering to the minority

Barbara Boxer Knocks It Out Of The F*cking Park On GOP Hatred, Hypocrisy & Irresponsibility - Go get’em Barbara!

Rep. Glenn Grothman urges constituents to keep an eye out for poor people at grocery stores - what an asshole

Elderly man with his hands up tasered by Florida Highway Patrol officer

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