July 14th

Jul 14, 2013 20:14

I went about doing the usual weekend chores that included throwing a load of sheets into the washer. I go back to get them out and put them in the dryer and the washer had not spun the water out. ARGH! Friend Cheryl lent me her washer so that I could get them rinsed and spun semi-dry.

Yes, I’ve called the repairman. The poor man and I have been playing phone tag today.

We are at 95% humidity. Needless to say crawling into bed was almost like jumping into a pool. I hate it when sheets get that wet feeling from high humidity. Reminds me of monsoon season in the Philippines.

Today I just gave up and turn on the air just to get the humidity out of the upstairs living room and the bedroom.

The farmer’s market yesterday was colorful and provided us with a beautiful bunch of kale and a few other things. It did stop raining long enough for us to do the whole circuit. Here are some pictures.

Have a great day!

Recommended Reading

The first is must read!

***In 'Chilling' Ruling, Chevron Granted Access to Activists' Private Internet Data - Shit! They think they are a victim of a conspiracy? You should see the pictures of what they did by dumping billions of gallons of waste oil into the Ecuadorean Amazon rain forest.

Rachel Maddow - bingo!
http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/ - 52456294

Rare Cornish bee could save dwindling populations from disease

Young ants only poop once

Rand Paul's Confederacy Scandal Is Not an Anomaly -- Libertarianism Papers Over Deep Racism in America

How Big Is the Average Penis? You Might Be Surprised

How Big Is the Average Penis? You Might Be Surprised

Bees Dying by the Millions

Smog-Eating Sidewalks Are a Real Thing

Your Fragile Planet (PHOTOS)

The Best Evidence for Dark Matter & the Uncertainty Therein

Bill Moyers: Outrageous Bill Known As “The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act” Seeks to Silence Big-Ag Whistleblowers

Tiny Utah-based ISP makes a name for itself by rebuffing government snoops

Militarized police overreach: “Oh, God, I thought they were going to shoot me next”

The Handmaid's Tale, Texas and Republican Dead Enders

***How Government Cover-Up on Fish Farming Affects Your Health - Canada has a problem. It’s lengthy but worth the watch.

Petitions that need your signature

The Mind Your Own Business Act

America's top grocers are selling fake honey containing carcinogens, heavy metals, and banned antibiotics.
Get grocers to make sure they're selling us the real thing.

Tell you Senators to repeal the Monsanto Protection Act

This week, House Republicans are putting forward a bill called the "Northern Route Approval Act." This bill overrides the President's authority to make decisions on the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Whatever you think about the Keystone Pipeline, this bill is blatantly unconstitutional. The Constitution provides for a legislative branch, which creates legislation -- laws of general application. It also provides for an executive branch, which executes the laws. This is known as the separation of powers. The bill that the Republicans are putting forward is a clear violation of this principle.

The bill does one more thing: it bestows special favors on a foreign oil company, TransCanada. It lets the corporation build the Keystone XL pipeline without going through normal government approval processes, and even gives TransCanada a free right-of-way worth millions of dollars. House Republicans have said they want to get rid of Congressional earmarks. Yet here they are, bestowing an earmark anyway.

Read Grayson’s letter:

The Wounded Knee site has been held sacred by the Lakota Sioux since the horrific massacre that happened there in 1890. Now, it's in danger of being sold to the highest bidder, including someone who would build a horse slaughterhouse on the plot.

The current owner has offered to sell the site to its rightful owners, the nearby Oglala tribe, for the cool price of $3.9 million. But The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, just a few miles from where Wounded Knee is located, is one of the poorest places in the country. To build a horse slaughterhouse on their sacred site after everything the tribe has already suffered would be unthinkable.


And now a word about Monsanto and others like them. These profit-hungry biotech companies have found a way to exclusively ‘own’ something that freely belongs to us all -- our food! They’re trying to patent away our everyday vegetables and fruits like cucumber, broccoli and melons, forcing growers to pay them and risk being sued if they don’t.

Companies like Monsanto have found loopholes in European law to get away with this, so we just need to close them shut before they set a dangerous global precedent. And to do that, we need key countries like Germany, France and the Netherlands -- where opposition is already growing -- to call for a vote to stop Monsanto’s plans. Go sign the petition.

Tell Nestlé: Stop trying to patent a natural cure
In a paper published last year, Nestlé scientists claimed to “discover” what much of the world has known for millennia: that nigella sativa extract could be used for “nutritional interventions in humans with food allergy”.
But instead of creating an artificial substitute, or fighting to make sure the remedy was widely available, Nestlé is attempting to create a nigella sativa monopoly and gain the ability to sue anyone using it without Nestlé’s permission. Nestlé has filed patent applications -- which are currently pending -- around the world.

Sing the petition: http://action.sumofus.org/a/nestle-nigella-sativa/11/2/?akid=1601.65932.w0DNPx&rd=1&sub=fwd3&t=4

Maddow features PCCC activism

Tell Congress Social Security is non-negotiable.

Amazon is at it again! Please go sign this petition. It is not fair for those of us who make our living by writing. Authors are not libraries and while most of us enjoy the social side of writing we do this to pay our bills. If some one returns an ebook after reading it our royalties get reduced.

I just signed the petition "Amazon Kindle e-Book Return Policy: Stop allowing refunds on e-Books after e-Books have been read." on Change.org. 

It's important. Here's the link:


North Dakota just passed the most extreme abortion ban in the country. It's just one of some 300 bills across the country designed to take away women's rights and access to health care -- and ultimately to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Don't let lawmakers get away with it, take action today:

Click here to tell Obama to veto CISPA:

AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon have all agreed to start spying on their users.
The US's largest Internet Service Providers are implementing a new "online infringement" plan to identify and punish, with virtually no due process, users suspected of downloading copyrighted content.

Remember CISPA? Well, it’s back - sign the petition

Oppose Seismic Surveys in the Atlantic - sign it please

Tell Congress to Dump Monsanto's Riders!

Bury Power Lines in Cities and Towns, Prevent Long-Lasting Outages, Improve National Security

Protect Global Internet Freedom - go sign the petition

The Sierra Club has a variety of actions to be taken. Just follow the link.
Send the congress a letter here: http://action.sierraclub.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=9962

Do you really own the smartphone or computer you’re using to read this email?

If you sold your computer, would you be breaking the law? A federal court in New York says you would be.

It's unbelievable, but trademark and copyright holders really are trying to take away your right to sell things that you own. Please click here to fight back:

The First-Sale Doctrine gives us the right to sell most property we own. But if the Supreme Court supports the lower court’s decision, we won't really “own” anything if it's from a different country. We expect them to issue a ruling later this year.

The President can urge the Court to side with consumers; then Congress will probably weigh in on the issue, no matter how the Court rules.

If we lose this fight, anybody who wants to resell foreign products, from Macbooks and iPhones to our clothing and textbooks, will have to ask copyright holders for permission first. And they'll have the right to deny it!

It's bad for so many reasons: It'll undermine Craigslist and Ebay, hurt the environment, increase incentives for manufacturers to move jobs off-shore, and effectively ban the traditional American yard sale.
 Just click here to email your lawmakers right away:

There are two very bad internet bills that you need to be aware of. The first concerns making streaming content a felony. Read about it here:

and the second is the Protect-IP Act that gives the government power to censor search engines and browsers. Read more about it here:
Both of the above pages have a petition to sign so please do so.

The non-existent tags
weather, knitting, gardening, global warming, environment, politics, Repugs, scumbags, quilting, petitions, CISPA, health, Exxon, oil spills, Monsanto, evil, people, tar sands, poverty, privacy, GMOs, fish, bees, fracking, food, health, photography, astrophysics, technology

Change the world one loan at a time - visit http://www.Kiva.org to find out how

gardening, quilting, food, privacy, monsanto, weather, gmos, technology, politics, evil, global warming, environment, bees, health, exxon, knitting, photography, petitions

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