It’s a gloomy looking morning out there and the sun is only peaking through occasionally.
The head cold has my ears ringing and the stuffy nose is a PITA. I went to bed early last night and didn’t get up until 6 AM - I slept in.
There are a number of things on the to do list today and I am just going to take them one at a time. If they get done, they get done.
My mail program decided to go south yesterday. Suffice to say, I had to spend a while getting it back up to snuff. Big PITA.
I did make myself some waffles this morning. I made a full batch and froze the remainder. They can be popped in the toaster later on.
I have errands to run today but other than that I will probably spent some time in bed and do a little laundry.
Have a good one!
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Ohio’s GOP Secretary of State Already Has A Plan To Rig The 2016 Election For Republicans Watch Jon Stewart Mock Fox News' Reaction to Legal Marijuana Republicans Promise to Throw America Off the Fiscal Cliff *
New carnivorous harp sponge discovered in deep sea Cutest Tiger Baby in the House - it’s a big kitty! Film 24 - the week's new films reviewed by Mark Kermode 'World's first toilet theme park' opens in South Korea Mike Bushell goes rafting by the light of the Moon Escaping poverty with the art of magic Petitions
Do you really own the smartphone or computer you’re using to read this email?
If you sold your computer, would you be breaking the law? A federal court in New York says you would be.
It's unbelievable, but trademark and copyright holders really are trying to take away your right to sell things that you own. Please click here to fight back: The First-Sale Doctrine gives us the right to sell most property we own. But if the Supreme Court supports the lower court’s decision, we won't really “own” anything if it's from a different country. We expect them to issue a ruling later this year.
The President can urge the Court to side with consumers; then Congress will probably weigh in on the issue, no matter how the Court rules.
If we lose this fight, anybody who wants to resell foreign products, from Macbooks and iPhones to our clothing and textbooks, will have to ask copyright holders for permission first. And they'll have the right to deny it!
It's bad for so many reasons: It'll undermine Craigslist and Ebay, hurt the environment, increase incentives for manufacturers to move jobs off-shore, and effectively ban the traditional American yard sale.
Just click here to email your lawmakers right away: There are two very bad internet bills that you need to be aware of. The first concerns making streaming content a felony. Read about it here: and the second is the Protect-IP Act that gives the government power to censor search engines and browsers. Read more about it here: of the above pages have a petition to sign so please do so.
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weather, knitting, gardening, global warming, environment, politics, Repugs, scumbags, quilting, film, animals, oddities, rafting, sports, magic, chores
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