September 23rd

Sep 23, 2012 18:36

Are you registered to vote? If not, what are you waiting for?

As predicted, it was a busy day. The produce from the farmer’s market was sliced, diced and frozen. Then I worked on the website until I noticed what time it was. I laid out the quilt blocks and arranged them into piles as instructed - more about that in a minute - and headed off to Cheryl’s to learn a new sewing technique.

The first two piles went together well. The third presented some problems. I had either not stacked the correctly or I pulled the blocks off the pile wrong. Ripped seams on the bottom of the left side and rearranged them into the correct order- so far so good. It was late so I will finish up on the 2nd half of the blocks today.

So it is the end of the day and I still don’t have this posted.
Here is a pic of the completed half of the quilt top and one of my little helpers.

We got evening thunderstorms with a lightening show last night. Happily the sun has been out all day.

Have a wonderful day all!

Recommended Reading -*

Report: Romney Bussed in Supporters to Rig Univision Event, Threw "Tantrum" Backstage

Will New Mexico Women Have to Contact Their Rapists in Order to Get Child Care?

Matthews' Epic Rant At Conservative About "This Racial Game You Guys Are Playing"

Romney Wins Homer Simpson's Vote; 'Obama Promised Death Panels and Grandpa's Still Alive!'

Backed By $20 Million From Coal, House Members Approve Polluter Giveaway

Romney's "Charity" to the Church is Just More Corporate Greed and Tax Evasion

Limbaugh Says Penis Size is Shrinking Because...Feminism? - maybe his penis size is shrinking because he can’t get laid.

Obama to Congress in Weekly Address: Get Back in Town and Pass Some Bills

Rick Perry Wants To Replace Planned Parenthood With Crisis Pregnancy Centers That Don’t Provide Health Services

Romney Gives Kudos to Hitler for His Alternative Energy Ideas

A Tale of Two Janesvillians: Paul Ryan & Me

In Kennedy Recordings, History’s Raw Materials

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