February 16th

Feb 16, 2012 09:53

Happy Birthday! al_zorra

Felt a bit queasy last night before going to bed. Can’t figure out what brought that on and I am still a bit off this morning.

Nuit woke me up early this morning wanting to be under the covers but she couldn’t make up her mind whether or not to stay put or keep walking in and out. During this in and out of the covers routine I was the recipient of a bath too. Yes, 30 minutes of this and I just got up.

Still knitting on theOnopordum acanthium - Wha daurs meddle wi me Part F is now in process.

Things to do so I am off to get some of them done. Have a great day.

Bits & Pieces - *recommended reading*

And Just How Do You Think Republicans Will “Get That Money Out” of Global Warming Research? -

HR 343 is called the Grant Act. You can read it here - http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.3433:

"The Vagina Ideologues:" Jon Stewart Hammers the Bishops on Contraception - :)

Crazy Anti-Drug Ad Tells Kids to Jump Off Buildings Instead of Using Drugs

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Implicated in Criminal Complaint Against Aides

Some notes on the Heartland Leak

Leak Offers Glimpse of Campaign Against Climate Science

Exposed: Leak of Documents Shows How Leading Libertarian Think Tank Is Working to Undermine Climate Science

800,000 Americans Tell Senate: Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline - the number is now over 800,000

Daily Show Takes on Right-Wing Insanity on Women in Combat: Should Women Expect to Be "Paid Slightly Less, Raped Slightly More?


The man who hears colour

Tiny lizards found in Madagascar

Hidden cameras show rare snow leopards 'thriving'

'Biology hackers' create laboratory in New York City

How to tickle a gorilla

Pygmy owl squeaks when tickled

London telephone boxes become artworks for Childline

Nearly all marine fish came from freshwater ancestors

Slow walking 'predicts dementia'

Goat kids can develop 'accents'

'Unique' 11th Century coin discovered near Gloucester

Space junk cleaner being developed

Hampshire archaeologists discover Stone Age boatyard

Action List - *petitions worthy of your signature*

****Stop ACTA - you better read this one. Thought SOPA & PIPA were bad?

Here’s another petition to sign:

And another at Care2.com

ACTA: The International Treaty You've Never Heard of That Could Affect Internet Freedom

And bit more:
ACTA: The Corporate Usurpation of the Internet

A new ACTA petition:

Here we go again…

#1 - To get this one through they are calling it the "Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act". Protecting children my you know what!

"A direct assault on Internet users" is what the ACLU is calling it. A U.S. House committee has already approved HR 1981, a broad new Internet snooping bill.

They want to force Internet service providers to keep track of and retain their customers' information -- including your name, address, phone number, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses.

ISPs would collect and retain your data whether or not you're accused of a crime. Supporters shamelessly dubbed it the "Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act," but our staunchest allies in Congress are calling it what it is: an all-encompassing Internet snooping bill.

Just click here to tell your lawmakers to oppose it:


#2 - The Keystone XL Oil Pipeline

Senators in the pocket of Big Oil are trying to bring back the Keystone XL oil pipeline proposal, thwarting President Obama's decision to reject the dirty and dangerous project.

TransCanada has spent $1.3 million lobbying for their tar sands oil pipeline, and now they're at it again with a major bill in the Senate. We may not have $1.3 million to lobby Congress, but we do have 1.4 million grassroots voices.

Write your senators today, and tell them to reject the Keystone XL oil pipeline and put clean water and clean air ahead of Big Oil's profits.

The non-existent tags
weather, knitting, global warming, environment, politics, Repugs, scumbags, ACTA, animals, fun stuff, tickles, art, health, archaeology

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fun stuff, weather, health, politics, knitting, animals, global warming, environment, art, archaeology

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