(no subject)

Nov 18, 2011 09:01

So, in the long line of things that have crapped out on me lately my mouse joined the list. I’ve not got a new one. :)

Cold, gloomy and only saw the sun as it was setting yesterday.

I received an email last night telling me that the Delaware River Basin Commission had cancelled it’s meeting in which they were going to vote on fracking the DRB. This is excellent news but I don’t think this is the last we have heard of this nightmare. At least for now over 15,000,000 people will still have uncontaminated drinking water.

Today is going to be a busy one, so I can’t natter.

Bit & Pieces - ** recommended reading

***Health department tyrants raid local 'farm to fork' picnic dinner, orders all food to be destroyed with bleach - WTF?

*****We must protect the Grand Canyon for future generations If you don’t know about this watch the video and then go sign the petition, please

Oh, and the BLM (Bureau of Living Morons) wants to let strip mining into Bryce Canyon National Park. You can find out more by going to the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.

I find this practice of selling off, so to speak, of the public lands to mining companies disgusting.

***Watch the NYPD Violently Arrest Peaceful Protesters on Wall Street, Drag a Woman by Her Hair

***Know Your Rights: Peaceful Protesters Have the Right to Be Free From Excessive Force by Police

***Lessons of a Police Chief: Militarization Is a Mistake

***Censoring the Internet: It's Not Just for China Any More!

India's love affair with flowers

Nasa releases sharpest ever Moon elevation map - cool.

Threave and Rockcliffe 'creepy-crawlies' study complete

The Organic Center's New Dietary Risk Index

Unwrapping the ancient Egyptian animal mummy industry

Colombia resorts to science to boost coffee production

Swiss can ban naked hiking, court rules

The Two-Year Window

What's Romney Hiding? Investigation Finds Staffers Destroyed Emails, Covered Digital Tracks

The non-existent tags
weather, knitting, global warming, climate change, environment, politics, Repugs, scumbags, Grand Canyon, petition, bugs, mice, moon, cartography, flowers, coffee, photography, archaeology, sports, BLM, morons

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coffee, cartography, weather, sports, flowers, climate change, mice, politics, knitting, global warming, photography, environment, archaeology

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