Happy Mother’s Day!

May 08, 2011 09:14

We were graced with one of those beautiful sunsets last night that cast a golden glow upon the tree tops. And it certainly looks like the weather forecasters got it wrong for today, looks like sunshine to me. :)

We took a trip to the home improvement store and came home laden down with material to build some raised garden beds. Guess what I am doing today. I will have to dust off the radial saw and unpack my toolbox.

The hummingbird feeder is very busy this morning. :)

Knitting projects continuing and I guess I should do some update photos but one is so close to being done that I think I will wait until it is on the blocking board.

Bits & Pieces

'Horse boarding': Extreme sport in the countryside

Five Republican Myths About Medicare

Feds Demand Firefox Remove Add-On That Redirects Seized Domains

Lawyers chase files of Nazi Adolf Eichmann

Urban Graffiti Knitters Are the New, Cozier Christo and Jeanne-Claude

The non-existent tags
weather, knitting, global warming, environment, politics, Repugs, sports, WWII, myth, technology, yarnbombing, gardening

gardening, weather, sports, technology, politics, knitting, global warming, environment

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