Hot, Hot, Hot and dripping with humidity

Jul 25, 2010 09:20

More of same today.

A yummy loaf of zucchini bread came out of the bread maker yesterday and the red peppers were chopped and frozen for use at a later date.

Did a bit of knitting last night but it was too hot to continue for long.

I’m off to do the Sunday chores.

Bits & Pieces

4,500-year-old home discovered at Marden Henge

Whale's 'yacht landing' caught on film - so, who pissed off the whale?

Maggots cause US Airways plane alert - I wonder who services these planes? Apparently, they forgot to clean out the overhead

Blooming flower attracts thousands in Japan

US bear takes short ride in car and leaves it wrecked

How to cook: bread - a new technique for handling dough in a bread-making masterclass with Richard Bertinet

Urban bee keeping - Tim Hayward finds himself on the roof of Fortnum and Mason with Steve Benbow and his bees.

The Hidden Harms of Excitotoxins

Damaging Ingredients in Old Spice

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weather, environment, knitting, global warming, BP, archaeology, animals, fun stuff, nature, food, Excitotoxins

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food, fun stuff, weather, knitting, animals, nature, global warming, environment, archaeology

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