Took Kali to the vets again yesterday and picked up Mugsy’s medicine at the same time. Did our errands and came home.
It was hotter than forecast and I only was able to take a short nap before the heat got to me. ARGH! Needed a much longer nap but what the hay.
As we sat outside last night we finished putting the composter together, had a beer and then enjoyed the summer. By the end of the outdoor experience I was ready to jump into the shower. It looks like it is going to be one of those humid NJ summers. It was so hot it put me totally off food and that is a hard thing to do. We never did get the rain that was supposed to come though. LOL!
I hope my glasses frames get here today. I would like to not have headaches again.
Our hummingbirds have sucked the feeder almost dry so I will have to change it today. The other gardening chore revolves around the composter putting in all of the green waste we have been collecting - this could turn out to be a stinky job - and then adding the brown waste or carbon portion. Think I will start out with a 50/50 mix and adjust.
Bits and Pieces
Japanese dancer Kazuo Ohno dies at 103 BP reaches key 'milestone' in halting Gulf oil leak - Yeah, how to f-up the Gulf of Mexico in one easy lesson Click to view
Odd Box - Knitted breasts? Activist describes 'horrific' Israeli interception Henning Mankell on Gaza flotilla attack: 'I think they went out to murder' BP And Halliburton Try To Buy Off Government Officials Investigating Spill Drug hope for sepsis uncovered Badger bother: gardens destroyed Hydrocarbon Eating Aliens The non-existent tags
knitting, gardening, environment, errands, medicine, Israel, BP, Halliburton, art, animals
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