May 12, 2007 01:05
Life is going very well right now. A lot of things have fallen into place over the past few weeks, and now that I am finally done with school I am able to really enjoy the state of my life at the moment. I start Youth Corps in June, and I can already tell from the one day I spent interviewing kids last weekend that I am going to love it. In the meantime, I have a couple of weeks of "me" time to relax, get my life in order, and do some long overdue cleaning.
The semester ended with a whimper, for the most part. The things I stressed out about so much ended up being not that big of a deal. I did really well on my Teacher Work Sample (you have no idea how surprised about this I am), aced my exit interview and pulled an A in Intro to Student Teaching for my trouble. My arranging final went pretty well (still not as well as I'd hoped but writing for Big Band is really fucking hard), my final stuff for American Indian Music and World Music went fine (still waiting on the grades for both of those classes but things are looking pretty good), and, in the biggest surprise of the semester, I got an A in Ed Psych. I don't even know how this is possible since I missed between 30% and 50% of the classes and never turned in the bi-weekly journals. But I nailed all three of the papers and got an A+ on the final, and so there you have it. Needless to say that had me feeling rather bulletproof today.
My contract with Horizon is signed, and I could not be happier about my student teaching situation. I am so excited to work with both Emily and Larry, they are both excited to work with me, basically next semester should be fantastic. It's gonna be nuts. I get my two weeks of break now, and then I do Youth Corps for ten weeks. Then I get like two days off and then report to the middle school. I teach there for eight weeks, get like a weekend and then it's off to the high school for eight weeks. I can't freaking wait.
For the last couple of days I've just been wrapping up the semester and going to my friends' graduation festivities. I went to the College of Music commencement yesterday, which was way too long but I was glad to support my friends (and more than a little jealous that I wasn't up there in a cap and gown with them). Tonight was My-Van's graduation dinner at Prima, which was a great evening filled with delicious food that was all on My-Van's parents. It was great to finally meet her parents and sister, who all seem very nice, and I also hit it off with some of Meevs' other friends whom I had not met before. Turns out I can hang with a bunch of folks in their late 20s and do just fine.
So now I'm home, stuffed to the gills with food and alcohol and feeling very content. It's a good time of year: the weather is gorgeous and life is happy. So I think, with that in mind, that I shall sleep.
music education,