Oct 23, 2008 06:28

The state of things this morning in Dragonsland....

1.  I am a square peg.  I do not fit in round holes.  I am okay with this.  Some of you guys are, too, which made me feel awesome when I got up this morning and read my emails.  Thank you. *smishes y'all*
2.  Pippy Gonzalez horked on my black pants while I was in the shower.  *\o/*  When I shrieked and exclaimed:  OMFG, did you yak on my work pants?  she did the cat equivalent of a Dean-esque Heh.  My cat, peoples, is a small furry denizen of Wrongsville.  *points to the incorrectness*  Now I has to wear jeans to work and have the annoying repetitive conversation with fifteen different people about why I has jeans on.  See?  HER EVIL CONTINUES BEYOND THE RETCH ITSELF.
3.  I rode horse!Sam bareback last night.  Twenty-one year old thoroughbred withers are unpleasant things for unmentionable reasons.  *gives the horsey chicks the secret handshake*  Also, at his new home he gets vet-checked once a year and they only charge you TWENTY BUCKS.  *dances*  That's happening in the next couple of weeks.  I love a bargain.  Unless they find something expensive wrong with him, in which case... DOES NOT WANT.
5.  The Dragons is on schedule for a completed draft of her current fic by the end of the week.  Then I'm gonna hit one of you schmoes up for a beta.  You poor bastards.  *weeps for you*
6.  I am beginning to panic about the oh-reeg-inal fic and the NaNo. 
7.  New boys tomorrow.  HOMG, I am really enjoying this season. *pashes Dean wildly* THIS PLEASES ME.

That is all.  Please continue about your business.  *waves hand generously*

Also?  I am late.  *\o/*

speed post, dragonsland

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