Sunday Stuff

Oct 05, 2008 21:18

She's mine! ALL MINE, I TELLS YA. I may have been rudely outbid by one of my DEAREST FLISTIES for the writerly attentions of july_july_july  *squints at saberivojo*, but I has totally bagged tripoli8as my Sweet Charity minion. *\o/* THIS EXCITES ME. And it appears that janglyjewelslays claim to the dubious honor of a Dragons' bent fic-ear. THIS ALSO EXCITES ME. Why? Because this fangirl's a GIVER, peoples. And I like the thought of handing something back to her. Even if technically she's still giving because she paid the invisible kiddies for it. But STILL.

Now. People is always telling a Dragons she is paranoid when she is saying Pippy Gonzalez is on a secret ninja-cat mission to kill her while she sleeps the Dragonly sleep.

Oh no, they is saying. Pippy Gonzalez is too small and adorable. She would never hurt a Dragons.

That is because she is mostly looking like this:

But tonight, while a Dragons is having her dinner, she is utilizing a sophisticated software application favored by ASIO, FBI and Scotland Yard. The Dragons has made some subtle yet REVEALING changes to Pippy Gonzalez's physical characteristics:


Anyway. I has been for my ride on horse!Sam and wish to report the following findings:

We, being the protrusion at L5, conclude that while the Dragons' insistence on regularly mounting all things rideable (and some which are clearly not) may well be disturbing and inexplicable, we see no reason why such activity cannot be conducted on a semi-usual basis provided the following is strictly adhered to:
The wobbly slow gait which could almost be mistaken for travelling backwards (indeed, at one point, was) is suitable at any time.
The bouncy thing where the Dragons has to repeatedly stand up and sit down in rapid succession can be performed for short periods of time, preferably on the soft sandy areas, such as is conveniently provided at the grounds.
The bouncy thing where the Dragons does not repeatedly stand up and sit down in rapid succession is FUCKING EXCRUCIATING PLEASE NOT TO BE DOING THIS EVA KTHNXBAI
We, still being the protrusion at L5, are unable to comment on the gait known as "canter" as the Dragons was too pansy-ass to attempt the transition.

Oh, and Sam? The snotty-nosed sideways tantrums are still hilarious, hon. I've truly missed you. *smacks kiss off his velvet muzzle, beams*

Thanks to everyone who crossed their fingers for us. :) Happy end of the weekend, flisties.

ETA:  El-jay is apparently sucking cock again this eve.  FYI, peoples.  *punches spontaneous font and cut changes in the head*

pippy gonzalez, horse!sam, rl, fangirls, sweet charity

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