Jul 16, 2008 11:06
So. Flisties. The Dragons has taken the day off to wait for the tow-truck dude, and so far, the tow-truck dude has not even called a Dragons back.
Zen. I'm being zen. *thumps table* WHERE THE FUCK IS MY ZEN TOW, YOU ASSHATS?
And apparently, I’ve lost my damn mind, because I’m eyeing off the Season Three SPN epis and wondering which one I might be prepared to pass my eyes over as I go about cleaning the Dragons’ lair. If I has to wait, I may as well be productive. And if I has to watch Season Three, I’m sure as hell gonna need some sort of TASK as a distraction. I’m not sure I can ride the couch into that sort of two b’ four beating face-first.
Calm down, fangirls. *pats air soothingly with hands* I’m well aware that many of you enjoyed season three just fine. That you found much to celebrate about our mercifully short Deal-Comin’-Due Year. And I, too, wish to revisit some of these epis with a more tolerant eye. Many of them I have only viewed once. I has no clue where to begin.
So gather near, dear flisties, and pray tell a Dragons… favorite S3 epi, and then get clicky and tell me WHY.
I’ma put on AHBL2 while you guys pick. Just to put me in the mood. Because that lil’ narrow-eyed head-cocked shoulder lift Dean does when he asks Jake: What are you smilin’ at, you little bitch?
Sweet merciful JESUS. NNnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggAKUSYTfdakySIKYQAFIIyashgvsyJFJyAFJYGCGGV.
*jumps his smokin’ ass, knocks him to the ground*
Poll HOMG! The Dragons has ordered HUMBLE KRIPKE PIE.
polly poll poll,