Speed Post! Blind Spot Cover Art!

Mar 26, 2008 16:43



Look what
kimonkey7 has done for a Dragons:

*shrieks, runs about*

I would tell you how awesome I think this is, but I can’t. I is that excited, I has swallowed my tongue.  *tackle hugs the Monkeys*  She has also made me my bitchin' pancake icon.  *points to it*

I printed that Blind Spot mofo up today and she is looooooong, guys. *pats you on the back for reading* That is one big-ass fic I has done. I can't believe y'all sat through that. Well done. *applauds, titters*

may7fic has made me this icon:

*cracks up*

Thank you, babe. I love it.

Guys, I am really behind on comments. I’ve had a crazy few days in my RL, and I have been all weirdy about finishing Blind Spot, which means I’ve been weirdy about answering comments, and… I’m getting there. Bear with me. Please know: I am only slow replying because I am getting completely flummoxed and flappy-handed about how awesome and kind you have all been.

It makes me want to run and put my head under a pillow, or something. In a good way. So thank you. I'm gonna talk more at you about Blind Spot in the next few days. I have some thank yous and stuff I wanna get off my chest. But right now, I have to go to class.

I'll catch up with you guys later. *waves*

*stares at the cover art again* Man, that is just... I HAS NOT WORDS MAKE OUT COME PROPERLY. 

blind spot, fanfic

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