Happy Birthday JANGLIES! And ZOMG! Stop It, Y'All!

Mar 06, 2008 18:13

Jesus H Christ. Is there ANYBODY on my flist who is NOT born in January, February or March?

Hands up, please. Seriously. I cannot believe this shit. It is freaking a Dragons right out.

*is freaked*


janglyjewels . Janglies. Dude. Happy fucking birthday, love. What is a Janglies to a Dragons? You is tenacity. You is unassuming. You is watching too many SPN vids when I should be writing. You is icons. You is fangirl. You is shared squeee. You is information. You is shiny. You is there every week when I post Blind Spot. And you is there when I don't. :) You is APPRECIATED.

I hope your day is full of Dean Winchester. *nods* You rock, girl.  Have some birthday THIGHS.

This picture has been expertly cropped for maximum thighage by a monkey.  I shit you not.


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