Left for Dead on the Road of Love

Jun 19, 2007 21:37

I am beset on all sides by heartbreak this week.  My friends are all falling out of love.  Why do people say they fell out of love?  Shouldn’t it be ran out of love?  FLED love?  Knocking over furniture on the way to the door?  Or is that just me…

That smudge on your calendars at the end of March?  That’s actually the rubber I laid leaving the last guy I dated.  And HE didn’t even do anything WRONG.

It’s been a long time since I was heartbroken, so it kinda comes as a shock to find I’m the first port of call for my friends when they are.  I have no idea why anyone would want to speak to me when matters of the heart turn pear-shaped.  As a world class relationship dodger, my counseling approach falls into one of two categories:

The So….? tango, whereby I completely miss the part about the guy leaving being a negative development,


The WalkItOffBuckUpSoldier rumba, which is similar to the So…? tango but invites participants to dust off their pants and get that foot back in the stirrup.

Being a horsey chick, I hang with strong, independent women.  Women who have more than a passing interest in whips and leather.  We actually know how to use them.  And we scrub up alright when we’re not perched on the post and rail being Chaps McStinkyPants (okay, granted - we’re perched there a lot).

So when you ask me Why? I gotta tell ya -  it’s hard to imagine why any man would want to be anywhere but hanging off your delightful arms, my dears.  I have only this to say:

They have clean taken leave of their senses.

I don’t know why, and I don’t much care.  They are clearly in need of medication.  Perhaps they have had a lobotomy or shock therapy is indicated.  It’s hard to tell from here when their looming satellite of Stupidity is casting such a pall over this earth.

What I do know is:

This too shall pass.

And yes, P.  I wasn't always such a hardarse.  It’s been a long time since I was heartbroken.  I was once.  And I’m not anymore.  I can’t tell you when, but it all goes away.  Promise.  And you know I don’t make those very often these days.  J


Perhaps the wind picked up?

And then a deluge

fit for Noah’s vindication…

the rain beating  down

heard but unseen

in the darkness…

I may as well have closed my eyes

and made the trip completely blind

across the gravel driveway

limping on the sides of my arches

into the stables

prickles in my feet

the din in there was awesome

a cacophy of rain on tin

as riotous and angry as I

that first day

at the gate you said:

oh no…

my buried wheel beside the barn

my 1800s mudbrick house

my garden and the line of tagasaste

my fishes pond

my sloping paddocks

stretching back away along the winter creek

my boomers lounging near the dam

my dead and fallen eucalypt beside the post and rail

her hushed abandoned secrets crumbling back into the loam

my midnight spot where impromptu cups of tea

delighted the copper horse

beneath a sliver of the southern moon

that first day

at the gate

you saw it all and said:

oh no…

and in that act

foretold the year

I may as well have closed my eyes

and made the trip completely blind

across the months into this night

limping on the sides of my arches

into the stables

prickles in my feet

you and this place

just two more things I couldn’t hold

passing through like the storm

leaving me battered

shouting at hay bales

chaps mcstinkypants, poem

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