Sayonara, 2007! It's Been Grand.

Dec 31, 2007 19:06

Well, peoples… the time has come to bid farewell to 2007.  The Dragons has had an interesting year.

It’s been the first year I have both started and ended sober.  \o/ for the Dragons, unless I fall spectacularly from the wagon in the next six hours…  and let’s face it, I’m only ever fingersglasslips away from doing that so… *bites nails* LOOK OUT.

I found lj this year, and all you fabtabulous flisties along with it.  Churned out 18 SPN fanfic oneshots.  I also started a monster EPIC multichap that has taken over not only my living room, but also my life. For those of you who are reading it, just…yeah, sorry ‘bout that. *chuckles* If you’ve been on my flist for some time, you might recall that when I started chapter one of Blind Spot I foolishly expected to be done by November.  *cackles maniacally*  Did anyone see where I put that crack pipe exactly?  *looks around*

I wrote some original stuff this year, too.  Not as much as I wanted, or should have.  But hey… blame Dean Winchester.  I know I certainly do.

The Dragons quit her job in 2007, after nearly a decade of faithful service to a company I once loved, in a role I once adored.  And thanks to TPTB, I had the opportunity to do something the Dragons hasn’t done in a very long time.  I sat on MY ARSE for all of December.  Mostly I slept late and ate cheese.  *peers down at the Dragons belly* January will be spent undoing this.

Horse!Sam broke his leg, and took an age or two to decide if he was going to mend.  Fuck, that was an awful twelve weeks.  *hugs horse!Sam*

J had a freakin’ crappy year.  *waves to J* \o/ you made it, J-girl.  Better days a-comin’.  Gotta be.

Other stuff happened too.  Some good, some bad.  There was the really, really big hay bale.  That was good.  The motorcyclist in March who failed to retain his leg.  That was bad.  Last half of Season Two SPN.  That was good.  First half of Season Three SPN.  That was bad.  *weeps*  R&M had a baby.  That was good.  Three months in the dark when the living room light went.  That was bad.  Booty call in Melbourne?  Good.  Brushing off M like a ginormous bitch after the third date in January?  Bad.  Oooooh, P getting to go places and do her documentaries?  AWESOME.  Having to give back the company car?  That was bad.

Cheese?  There’s been plenty of that.  That’s always good.

Soooo.  I’ve had a pretty good year.  I can’t complain.  Things I’m gonna do this year, to increase the general awesomeness of the Dragons's life?

  • Stay sober. 
  • Get one of those job thingies.  One I will like. 
  • Do some study.  Attend some courses.
  • Get something published. Like, get PAID for it. And I’m not gonna be greedy. I don’t care what or where.  Just ONE thing, published SOMEwhere.
  • Do my yoga every day
  • Write my morning pages every day
  • Ride horse!Sam at least twice a week.  Every week.  Whether we goddamn feel like it or not.  Yes, Dragons.  Do not argue with me.


Dear Mr Kripke,

Please may I have the following in 2008:

More clever boys solving things...

More Dean playing with his ear (I know this seems awfully specific, but trust me, it's 24 carat)...

More goofy Sam... because, well...*looks at picture*... just 'cause...

Stacks and STACKS of sleepy Dean...

Some whump.  Dean whump would be nice...

And um, some urgent boys running about.  With guns, if you have them.  If not, ridiculously intense expressions will do.

Alright?  *slaps Kripke on the back*  Good man.  Hop to it.

Yours Faithfully,

The Dragons xxx

Right, flisties:  what are you all doing for your new year's resolutions?  Please to be informing the Dragons, so I can point and laugh when you don't do them.   *is evil*


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