The Dragons Makes A Move For the Door

Nov 27, 2007 08:15

OMFG!  The Dragons is leaving the house!  To go TALK to people.  Breakfast in Fremantle.

Soooo, J girl calls yesterday, while I am ass deep in chapter seven of Blind Spot.

J girl:  When do I get to say Yay for Sammy?

Dragons: Um.  Now.  You get to say it now.

J girl:  I read about it on your lj.  Do I have to email you now?  To talk to you?

Yes.  The Dragons is a fucking idiot.  I am the suckiest friend that ever didn’t ride their broken legged horse into Friendtown.

Sorry, J.  *grimaces*  I really, really am.

It’s the multichap.  I woke up yesterday morning and stumbled into my living room and realized:  Oh, my freaking Lord.  I has BECOME a Winchester.  I had research spread from one end of the coffee table to the other, books piled on the couch.  There were chapter drafts fanned on the floor. SPN dvds pockmarked the carpet in front of the player.

I know I haven’t been a proper human being lately.  I’m distracted.  When I’m not in front of the laptop typing, I’m thinking about being in front of the laptop typing.

A bit of me says this:  Um, this is what you WANTED.  You left work so you could do this MORE.  This writing thing.

And if I get this submerged in a fanfic, holy sweet lord HELP ME when I get back to work on the novel in January.  Oh, my God, I’m going to be insufferable.  *winces*

Late yesterday afternoon, I got a phone call from a long lost pal who is traveling through Perth.  Come meet me for breakfast, R says.  I’m in Fremantle.  So that is where I’m off to now.  Into the real world.  To put petrol in the Impala ute, catch some sunlight, and remind myself how to have a conversation that doesn’t require punctuation and dialogue attribution.

Wish me luck.

Also?  Chapter one will be going up in three days.  *weeps*  I know I said I would never post a WIP, buuuuuut  I’m on the home stretch.  And I’m fully outlined.  Just following the path home now.

A little too closely, if this post is anything to go by… *sighs*

writing, rl

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