Ms Dragons & the Rats of NIMH Part II

Sep 28, 2007 21:36

A little while back you guys might remember a certain poll I ran about a little rat named Justin*.  If you need a refresher…click here…

…anyhoo… I is leaping back on the vile, evil (anagram alert) plane thing on Tuesday to head back across the Nullarbor to Melbourne for a conference.

This means swanky hotel for three nights, free food (which is just about the Dragons FAVORITE THING), and a couple of days of blindingly boring strategy meetings and breakout sessions.

And, um… I may have booty called the Justin* via text message.  Just a little bit.  *is far too old to be booty calling*

Dragons:  Hey you - I is in Melb next week for a work thing.  Wanna hook up?

Justin:  Cool. Wednesday night?  Dinner and then stuff?  I have bought a new car. *sends photo*

Dragons: Nice wheels, Knightrider.  Will you take me driving in your chick magnet?

Justin:  Sure!

Dragons:  Yays!  Can’t wait.  Call you when I land.

Justin: Okey doke. See ya soon.

Come on, peoples.  FREE HOTEL ROOM.  What’s a dragon supposed to do?

And J - SHUT IT.  I can has Justin* rat if I want.

The Dragons can has her Christmas present early, please?

*not the Justin rat’s real name
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