"Sleep thou, and I will wind thee in my arms."

Dec 13, 2013 13:11

Left us this morning in direct contrast to the way she lived her life - gently, softly, without muss or fuss.

Neffi, you were a problem child from day dot, and at least forty of my grey hairs are the result of you. I rebuilt your shattered leg, appeared in court on your behalf, and bailed you out of jail twice. You ate everything from bricks to shower curtains, and dug enough trenches in enough backyards that I should be a certified honorary landscaper.

In return, you brought a maelstrom of laughter, wtf, and devotion to my world for over twelve years. Life just will not be the same without you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you and goodnight, my Neffi-girl. xxx

dragonsclan, rl

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