It's been an odd week.
I own a toothbrush that lives in a cup atop a grey vanity in a bathroom on the other side of town. That seems weird.
This is the kind of world where today an unforseen bill has floored me financially for the next five days, and yet somehow I still have a whizz-bang brand-spanking new mobile en route to me from my phone company. That doesn't seem right. You shouldn't be able to get new toys when you can't afford to breathe. I'm very glad I did some overtime this month. It may be the only thing that saves my stupid ass.
For the first time in six years, I am being referred to as someone's girlfriend. I don't know what to think about that. I am disturbingly with the blank. But I like riding shotgun in his truck. I like rolling his durries and arguing about faith and his outrageous, culturally-entrenched bullshit, my bare feet up on his dash. I like the shellshocked way he smiles at me sometimes, like he has even less clue what to do with this than me.
I got some balloons and I don't know why? I certainly can't think of anything remotely fangirly I've done lately to deserve that sort of thing. But thank you to
smalltwndreamer and
kimmer1227. I miss you guys. I miss fandom. I feel all disconnected and out of sorts and blergh. *curls in all the fangirls' laps, wishes for hair to be stroked*
I have to go to work. Nightshifts make my head strange. I'm gonna try write some Chappy Ten tonight. I'm on admissions, so we're praying to TPTB for none, okay folks?
I meant this post to be something else, but it's this instead. Sorry. *frowns* It annoys me how all my thoughts lead to some stupid boy right now. It makes me feel dumb and uninteresting and facile.
Here are two that have flown my kite this week.
july_july_july pointed me in the direction of
this channel a few days ago, and I'm so very glad she did. Y'all should go over there and have a browse around.
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