Jan 01, 2010 00:52
Guess what I saw today? *squeal* Holmes & Watson are KICK. ASS. Hooooly dooooly that was fun.
It's really late. Actually, that's wrong. It's really early. 2010 has just been born here. It hasn't even figured out how to stand up yet. It's all squishy and sticky and creased and blinky and full of unrealised potential but I just KNOW by the time I wake up it's going to be cantering about and ready to give me all kinds of grief. I can't wait.
So I need to go to bed. But one thing I have promised myself this year is that I will read more. I cleaned out my tabs tonight and caught up on a couple of fics I'd been meaning to read, and now I'm ready to start again. SPN fandom is GINORMOUS and I don't hang out in the cool places and what I would really like is for all you guys on my flist who write stuff to link me in comments to the solitary oneshot you wrote in 2009 that you are most proud of. And if you want, you can tell me why. That would be kinda groovy, too.
I'm not promising immediate readage. And I'm only asking for oneshots, because I have the attention span of a gnat and usually smallish increments of spare time. But I want to get a folder of fic going in my bookmarks that I can go to when I have a spare half hour or so. And I want that fic to be by you guys, and not some random schmoe in lj-land I never talk to. I wanna catch up on what YOU guys have been doing.
So...link me. I'ma broaden my horizons a little here and say anything except Wincest. Or underage, because um, polite no thank you on both counts. But other than that, hit me with your best shot from 2009, folks.
ETA: Ooops, forgot to add...podfics welcome/encouraged.
fangirls is awesome