Dec 27, 2009 13:21

Dragons get your gun. Seriously. I have no clue what is up with me today. I had about a billionty things I was supposed to do over this three day Christmas break, but mostly my achievements have been meager and couch-related.

1. I spent most of yesterday lying on the couch rambling at the very witty patita_fea. I think we came up with an equation for SPLEEN BURSTAGE. *scratches head* Poor you, Duckie. Then I watched Terminator Salvation and was severely underwhelmed. And then I lazed about more watching old epis of SG1 and wishing the writers had defected to SPN.

2. I have my spn_women fic assignment looming, and I really should be writing more of that, but instead I spent a sizeable chunk of my free time this weekend reading fandomsecrets and pissfarting about writing random comment fic. And then this morning I wasted a good hour doing this and this. And then I justified it to myself by using words like "organization" and "housekeeping". And now I just hate html code four times as much as I did when I got up this morning (and let's be honest, that was no small amount to begin with) and I still have to write my fucking fic. Damn it. HOLY BEJESUS DRAGONS GET YOUR GUN.

3. In more stirring news, many thanks to kimmer1227, july_july_july, chemm80, el1ie, may7fic, muffaletta, animotus, brigid_tanner, and janissa11 for your virtual gifts, e-cards and Christmas messages. *\o/* *group smish* You guys are made of win.

4. I am taking myself out to lunch, which hopefully may lead onto other, more productive ventures like Finding Horse!Sam's Spare Rug, and Fixing The Irrigation System AGAIN (thank you hellhounds) and the very taxing Doing Of The Laundry.

5. *raspberry*

6. Blergh.

7. It seems like lots of flisties is having this Christmas face.

Why you has smacked all the flisties' faces in the Christmas mirror, 2009?  Why you has done that?

My Dragonly thoughts and waggle fingers are with all the flisties who has had not so great holidays.  *hands out icepacks*  Here's to onward and upward in 2010. 

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