Sep 20, 2009 09:52
Oh, Pru McSween, you old battleaxe. If you're going to get outraged about the Prime Minister arrogantly disregarding the contributions of his constituents with a little colourful language, you might wanna NOT spend the next three minutes shouting over the opinions of your fellow panelists.
Also, Samantha Armytage? Quit being offended on behalf of the women in the room. What the hell? They're women in politics. They've spent their entire careers doing everything twice as effectively as their male counterparts in half the time to get half the credit. Those women eat live scorpions for breakfast, they don't need seasoning, and half of them are raising multiple kids while they're at it. I guarantee you, their first instinct was to YAWN.
Please to be not reinforcing ridiculous notions about the fragile sensibilities of your gender on national television. Have a nice cup of concrete and harden the fuck up, Princess.
things that amuse a dragons,