Samwise Gamgee Update

Sep 09, 2009 22:37

Holy Best Possible Outcome, Batman!

Dudes.  DUDES.  I know I'm spamming y'all to high heaven the last couple of days -- and I'm sorry about that -- but look what I found when I took Sam's bandages off tonight!

Cut for the sake of the easily squicked...

Now, I'm sure some of you are recoiling from your computers with a vaguely perturbed look on your face, but I GUARANTEE you all the horsey flisties have their noses pressed against their screens right now.  And they're going:  "Hey!  That looks pretty damn AWESOME, Dragons!  Nice work on the IMMEDIATE application of TIMELY and APPROPRIATE first aid!"

For the unpracticed eyes among us... this here is a best case scenario.  Now, you can't really see a lot of detail here, but that V shaped cut down the bottom is actually the worst of the bunch, and goes pretty much clear through to the boney ligamenty type bits.  The two upper cuts are also pretty deep, but less likely to get infected because they're a bit more open and less gougey and kinda straight-forward.  The site's a little puffy, but you can compare with the other leg and see it's really not that swollen at all.

*\o/*  I gave it a clean up tonight and redressed it and wrapped it all up again, and we'll see how it's coming along in another 48 hours.  Sammy's spirits are high; he's not limping too bad and he's walking on it and moving around and eating his dinner and being generally Sammish in nature.

I has given him a big raspberry on the nose from all the flisties.  Thank you thank you thank you all for thinking the good thoughts.  They sure are working.  *giant flisty smish*

horse!sam, rl, fangirls is awesome

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