Title: The Lee 8/10 Part II
pdragon76 Rating: R (sailor mouths, sex, violence)
Genre: Het
Characters: Sam, Dean, OFC
Spoilers: Set late Season Two, after WIAWSNB. AU for timeline and some minor canon-jiggery.
Disclaimer: It’s Kripke’s world, we’re all just living in it. *snaps fingers, points*
Summary: Wherever you go, there you are.
A/N: This
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You is killing me here. That's... dammit, perfectly acceptable. But still, you should know.
He hadn’t listened, though, and a lot of people were dead. But people were alive, too. That had to count for something. He had to believe it counted. And he’d never meant for anyone to get hurt.
“It’s not what you think,” he said again.
Oh Sam. You nail his character. It's not what you think, always trying to work the math and make the scales balance, even if horrible things are part of that equation. And it's heartbreaking on an extra level when we know where this trait of Sam's leads him to a couple of years and an extra serving of crazy because of watching his brother get shredded and dragged to hell later thing added to the equation.
Also, you nail Dean's character so well. The differences in the boys' reactions, contrasting Sam's desperate rationalizing with Dean's simple "We screwed up." Both have the pain and angst of being wrong, but still individual to who they are.
Dean busting out his inner sociopath continues to be .... Mmmmm. Yeah, I've still got my own inner crazy issues, lol.
I have this love/hate relationship with cliffies.
Um, you and me both, my love. You and me both.
Sorry about the cliffie. *cringes* I promise it won't be so ridiculously long between updates this time. No more ficcies for me until The Lee is done. Thems the rules.
*will not break the rules*
Thanks for reading.
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