Operation: Chappy Eight

Aug 03, 2009 12:09

Okay, y'all can ignore this.

My spn_summergen is in the bag, and I don't exactly love it but I don't exactly hate it either, so I'm calling that a win. *\o/* And today I have an RDO, so I'm just...hacking at the 5K words I've got here so far for chappy eight of the ever-patient janglyjewels ' fic. I'm rearranging and fiddling and splicing the keepers into a new file. Adding more wordies and eating a lot of caramel buds and fleshing stuff out and some such. And I tend to work faster if I hold myself publicly accountable, which is about as revealing and lame a statement about my personal discipline as I've ever made, but ...there you go. Daily updates till she be done are in order, methinks.

The Lee -- Chapter Eight

I'll be back with further developments, maybe a caramel bud count. If it's impressive enough. Also, who is this WITCH who keeps emailing me about stuff for the riding club I have ALREADY DONE? *peers at keyboard* Why is there no STAB button on this thing?

Yeah, and someone better take this bag of prunes away from me. That never ends well.

The Lee -- Chapter Eight

Taking a break, heading off to ride horse!Sam. *salutes* I shall return.

writing, the lee update, sam winchester is an inscrutable bastard, fanfic, sam winchester is a good egg

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