WTF? How is it morning already? And why does I have to work on a Saturday? How is THAT allowed?
I think you should all read some random items of disinterest as punishment for your complicity in this general naffery.
1. I has the espresso. *shows you*
2. Incredibly-daunting-yet-potentially-MEANINGFUL job opportunity wishes to meet with a Dragons on July 11th for a psych profiling and assessment session. *\o/* Let's all hope I'm less batshit than usual that day, shall we? Kthnx.
3. This hiatus is draaaagging. Like, srsly. WTF? Be September already.
4. spn_summergen research is away! *\o/*
5. Chapter Eight of The Lee is...*hands over face* omg, I has been so busy. I am so sorry. I am so overcommitted and stupid and... it's coming. I am so sorry for the delay. She is still in the works behind the scenes, swears. Just...sloooooooowly. Because I am stupid. Did I mention the stupid? Because I have a tendency to be a little...stupid. Sorry. My aim is to write a little in column A and a little in column B and get both summergen and chappy eight posted by the end of this month. I wish I could say sooner, but...*refers you to previous comments regarding inherent stupidity*
6. Dean. Baby. God, I miss you this week. I really, really do. It's..pathetic, is what it is. And I soooooo do not care.
Yes. Be more adorably startled and confounded. Keep doing that, my love. :D
6. The USS George Washington dropped anchor off Port Fremantle yesterday. 5000 American navy boys, 5 days shore leave. If anyone needs me, I'LL BE IN FREO.
As you were, flisties. As you were.