It's Friday, I have to work tomorrow, and I'm absolutely fried. I've been a pretty ineffectual human being this week, and right now I'm feeling sort of tired and glum and worn out and not in the least bit inclined to do anything remedial about it. There are a couple of people in particular who are no doubt pissed at me and wearing their WTF, Dragons? hats this week and I'm sorry to say I'm just not very sorry about that right now.
I'm not a really social person at the best of times, and the last couple of months have been heavy on It hasn't been BAD, but I am beat. Spent. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.
I have no plans tonight for the first time in many weeks. I think the situation calls for fake hotdogs. Maybe some pie. Okay fine, definitely some lots of pie. Then I'm gonna do some writing, because that keeps taking a backseat to All The Other Stuff, which makes me Resentful and Unpleasant to Be Around. So. On the cards for tonight is a little bit of Sweet Charity fic, and a little bit of chappy eight fic. I may be back later with little bar graphs and word counts if it so pleases me.
You know what else pleases me?
spn_summergen prompts. I got me some kickass prompts. *\o/* I could quite happily work with any and/or all of them.
Christ, does that ever please me.
Yeah. I'ma go eat me some soydogs and watch me some more of that. I might be back later. Or not. I dunno. Something. *handwave*