Title: The Lee 7/10
pdragon76 Rating: R (normal sailor mouth shenanigans and zealous whumpery)
Genre: Het
Characters: Sam, Dean, OFC
Spoilers: Set late Season Two, after WIAWSNB. AU for timeline and some minor canon-jiggery.
Disclaimer: It’s Kripke’s world, we’re all just living in it. *snaps fingers, points*
Summary: Wherever you go, there you are
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Comments 84
It's always a pleasure to read your stories.
You've made my day with this here lil chp. Totally worth the wait. Oh how I missed sore, hurt, protective Dean. And Sam and Beth make a hot lil pair. *hugs chapter*
Oh, and then there's this thing called "life" that everyone is supposed to have . . .
But the thing is . . .
I don't care.*
I want more.
And I want it now.
So get on that, would you?
* Okay, that's not quite true. I do care. And I'm always impressed with how much work and patience goes into your writing. But still . . .
Thank you. Especially for the footnote, but for the rest of this comment, too. :) You're very kind.
Ta muchly for reading, also. Let's not forget the work that goes into the reading. *grimaces*
I'm like a dying man in the desert and your writing is my cool, spring of water - thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'm very relieved to have gotten all characters where I need them for the start of chappy eight. My main concern with this chappy was how to get them there without KILLING anyone with the BORING.
Exposition's gotta happen, yo'. *points to icon*
Thank you so very much for that, Carol. That is such a compliment. *smish*
I haven't read any of the tie-ins, so I can't comment as to the quality, but I'm sure those guys have as many restrictions as we fangirls have freedoms when it comes to writing Winchesters. That's the beauty of fanfic. It's bound only by our imaginations. :D
Thanks a bunch for reading, dude.
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