Aug 07, 2007 10:32
a milion internets to anybody who gets that INCREDIBLY obscure unamerican referance. Here, I'll give you a hint. On The's christmas 05 mep I did a peice on Frank Delima's Filipino Christmas song just so it'd get qcs like this one 'MAHALO to the dude that did the Frank Delima peice, pride of the Hawaiian Islands!' I kid you not, and it worked LMAO!
anyway there was no milk this morning. there was no milk yesterday morning either. but my roommate hadn't paid me yet, and I refuse to go out without going to the bank as well lol.
(anybody need this in an lj-cut?? TOO BAD ;p)
finally saw LAST YEAR's blockbuster hit, 300. Eh... You know if that was real (I recognize the name Xerxes and his father Darius, so I wonder if it was real) or not hollywooded up and junk, the country of Sparta would be punished SO dearly for that... Maybe that's why you don't hear about it anymore. Maybe it happened like that, but probably not quite as dramatic.