
Jan 10, 2007 17:06



Anyways, just thought I'd give a little update. You know, a little sumthin-sumthin before I go off to the hell that is chemistry lab.

Most of my free time is now spent playing FFXII. For those of you who aren't L337 enough to understand, that's Final Fantasy 12. Oh. My. God. I think I'm in love with a video game. When I first started playing it, I was sad cuz it didn't seem to live up to its predecessor, FFX. The battle sequence was completely different, there was no underlying pre-teen romance story, and the good guy turns out to be evil in the first 5 minutes. So I kept at it, thinking, "well I did ask for this for Christmas..." Man was I wrong. The battle sequence is actually better than before. Sure you can be attacked by as many mindless drones as possible, but you can pause at any time to collect your thoughts amoungst the chaos and switch characters whenever you want. Sweet. Even KO'd characters. To make a long story short, the game rules.

I also just joined a game which will explain my constant paranoia...well, part of it. It's called the Assassian's Guild, and it's an actual club at UW. Go figure. We basically play a huge Murder Mystery Party game the entire year, with senseless killing and intense battles, but the point is to stay alive and kill everyone else. I guess it's kind of a Battle Royale. Sweetness. So don't be alarmed if you see me with my club (empty paper towel roll) roaming the campus looking for other agents. Mwahaha...

Well that sufficiently wasted my time. I think I'm ready for's gonna suck. I hope I get a smart lab partner. It usually works out, but I definitely don't want to be the one giving direction. As fun as it is, when it comes down to the tough questions at the end of the lab, I got nothin. Hope I get that geek in the glasses I saw in quiz section the other day who kept asking questions. He'll do :)
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