
Dec 10, 2007 04:14

Ok, so I know I haven't updated in a while, but I'm not going to do that right now. I'm supposed to be working on my essay for my english final due in 4 hours. But I took a study break and checked my LJ. Lana (squrrielsarerad) posted this little fun thing to do, so I started doing it:

1) Take your answer to each question and type it into an image search engine
2) Post one of the images from the first page of results.

So far, sounds like fun, eh? No.

One of the things to type in was your nickname, mine being "Pauldo," and find pictures associated with it. So I did. And this is what I got:

Go ahead. Follow the link.


I'm all over the internet! Who knows who will type in Pauldo and find my picture then stalk me until they find me and kill me in my sleep! Or worse yet, someone has a fetish for people who have "-do" at the ends of their names, find my picture and...eww... I don't want to be some piece of meat! I'm Pauldo! I have rights!

On the plus side, if you type "Pauldo" into the regular search engine, there's a tribute page to some cool bum in LA with the same name as me. He has like a cult following. Interesting.

Alright, carry on. Make it work. Asians are fierce.
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