Feb 13, 2011 18:10
Since it's been about two months since my last update... I'll try to go through a few things.
A few days after I last wrote here, Shannon indeed died. I'd rather not go into details over it because it was a horrible experience. She had VERY vicious and malignant cancer, and it was just a very unfair way for such a sweet little dog to pass. My dad was very torn up over the whole ordeal, and after a few weeks decided he needed another dog in his life. He found a litter of Welsh Springer Spaniels born in Georgia, and fell in love with them. He filled out an application, and successfully put his name in to get one of the little babies. It's been really nice because since the baby was born, my dad has been receiving near-daily updates on puppy's life and development, and actually... in 6 days he flies out there to pick up his new little thing. I'm actually pretty excited to meet puppy; she looks adorably sweet. The litter's sire is the number three spaniel in the nation and is multiple award winning dog named Starbuck. We got some adorable pics of him snuggling with the litter. So puppy, whose name is going to be Lola and I have to get used to that, will probably be a problem with my cats. I think she's going to scare my boy shitless and annoy the fuck out of my girl. So... we'll see and I'll keep anyone who cares updated.
Other than that... I did NOT go to Bishiecon, and did NOT go to Ohayocon. Kinda bummed I missed out, but hey. I did plenty of fun stuff elsewhere.
A lot of it comes down to money... I don't get a lot of work hours in the winter, and with my particular line of work it makes sense. So I shouldn't complain, but daingert I'm broke as shit. It makes any and all costuming plans kind of dampened. Which is a shame! Especially so because Sarah and I are scheming to put together a Hulkling x Wiccan cosplay! I'll letcha know how THAT goes, too.
I really am a lame person who doesn't do much of anything, I'll have you all know. Since around the new year I've been playing World of Warcraft again and shamelessly loving it. There isn't much to say on that which isn't long and rambling, so I won't.
On a final note there is of course the usual BULLSHIT of life. Apparently drama is all around and I seem to be the only one tremendously uninterested. Ha. And the whole thing where I'm super self conscious about my body and the boring things I do to try to change that. You don't care about my exercise, don't bullshit me. ;D
Much love to anyone who took the time to read this~