I hate PayPal, part 2

Oct 19, 2009 17:03

How anybody uses PayPal successfully is beyond me. I have yet to get their merchant services to do ANYTHING besides giving me this error. After 4 page views. This is demonstrably not a problem in my code. Their suggestion on how to deal with this (as a customer) is particularly hilarious, too: "Meh, just check your email. Maybe the transaction will go thorugh. If we feel like it. And fsck any redirection back to the site you came from..."

Of course, I now have a support ticket number about this. We'll see if that goes anywhere. *sigh*

Sorry - your last action could not be completed
If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.

If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.

If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.

Rapids::Exception (Q36Rapids5Tools13PimpException): Pimp RC: 0

Failure log: Use of pimp_rc (4001), Use of pimp_rc (3204) Backtrace: PPException::PPException(String const &) Rapids::Tools::PimpException::PimpException(unsigned long) Rapids::BusinessBlocks::transaction_process(PayPalCommonWebAppContext const &, PimpTransaction &, PimpXClick &, PimpNotification *, unsigned long long, TArray *, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, TArray *, PimpTransactionDetails *, unsigned long long, Risk::FraudFilterPreferences) Rapids::BusinessBlocks::transaction_process_hosted_payment(PayPalCommonWebAppContext const &, PimpTransaction &, PimpXClick &, PimpNotification *, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, TArray *, TArray const *, PimpTransactionDetails *, Risk::FraudFilterPreferences) Rapids::BusinessBlocks::HostedPayments::hosted_payments_transaction_main(PayPalCommonWebAppContext const &, PimpXClick &, PimpTransaction &, TArray &, TransactionUbiquityContainer &, MiscUbiquityContainer &, FlowInfoUbiquityContainer &, unsigned long long &, unsigned long long &, PimpUOMe const &, PimpASOrder &, PimpNotification &, TArray const *, PimpTransactionDetails *) gcc2_compiled. Rapids::DecoratedState::execute(Rapids::CGIVars const &) Riprap::RiprapRapidsGenericFlow::process_states(Riprap::WebAppContextOrnate const &, Riprap::RiprapRapidsGenericFlow::ProcessStates, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const &, Rapids::TransitionEdge const *) Riprap::RiprapRapidsGenericFlow::flow_continue_post(Riprap::WebAppContextOrnate const &, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const &) Riprap::call_rapids(Riprap::WebAppContext const &, Riprap::RapidsFlowFactory const &, Riprap::DispatchAction const &, Riprap::WebAppReturn const &, String const &, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const &) Riprap::dispatch_loop(Riprap::EPRegistry const &, Riprap::WebAppContext const &, Riprap::DispatchAction &, Riprap::WebAppReturn &, String const &, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const &) Riprap::dispatch_wrapper(OutputStream &, Riprap::EPRegistry const &, Riprap::WebAppContext const &, Riprap::WebAppReturn const &, String const &, bool const &, Riprap::DispatchInterceptorRegistry const &) Riprap::dispatch_request(HTTPInterface &, Riprap::CGIVars &, OutputStream &, String const &, String const &, bool) gcc2_compiled. main
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