Mar 15, 2005 20:34
ugh this past break was rough...all i did was work all day, everyday and when i wasnt working, i was editing a video project for school. the project turned out great and i was really happy and proud of it. went to a job fair last tuesday it was pretty small and i only talked to one person i was interested in, sports producer partime for the 5, 6, and 11 news. i'd take it cuz a) i'd be at home b) i'd be working and c) i'd be making connections but thats definitely not where i want to end up.
the job fair was during Michigan Association of Broadcasters annual convention during which i recieved first place in the state for Sports play-by-play. it was for a game i directed. that same game went onto nationals. the National Broadcasters Society held their annual awards on saturday so now my game was up against every other college sports show in the nation...and it won, Grand Prize. i have the best Sports play-by-play in the nation. it felt awesome to win.
other then that there's really been nuthin else going on. looking forward to this weekend i havent seen friends in forever also i am going home for easter that will be awesome.
im out like steve in a bottle